
Arjun Buxi
Oct 31, 20241 min read
What is ‘Founder Mode’ and is it right for you?
Founder Mode is when CEOs take a hands-on approach in daily operations in the mindset of someone building a new organization rather than...
Arjun Buxi
Sep 19, 20244 min read
Ten ways to reduce Silence in Meetings
Silence can be a challenge when members of a team feel hesitant to participate in a team meeting. Not participating is not in itself a...

Arjun Buxi
Sep 4, 20241 min read
Five simple tips for better business communication
Do you struggle to write that work email, or to have a difficult conversation? Business communication brings with it a variety of verbal...

Arjun Buxi
Aug 13, 20241 min read
Three Simple Ways to be Impactful in Meetings
Have you ever left a meeting feeling you didn't add anything to it? Anyone can add impact to a meeting with driving engagement, sharing...

Arjun Buxi
Jul 31, 20242 min read
How to be Strategic with your Vocabulary
Are you conscious of your vocabulary when speaking? Not a week goes by without someone asking me how to improve their vocabulary for...

Arjun Buxi
May 9, 20242 min read
Six simple rules for better business emails
Have you ever spent intensive hours on an email and gotten a perplexing response? Then, infuriated, we start typing "as per my last...

Arjun Buxi
Mar 21, 20242 min read
How to find a better Mentor
Have you ever had a mentor? Someone who gave you important wisdom? It’s not easy finding someone that really works out for you and...

Arjun Buxi
Mar 6, 20241 min read
Three ways to improve difficult conversations
Keep them short. The longer they go, the more we misunderstand. Partner with the other person to solve the problem, or offer them...

Arjun Buxi
Feb 22, 20241 min read
How to handle competing priorities
Do you often feel overwhelmed by the number of tasks on your plate? We've all been there. But don't worry - there are ways to sort...

Arjun Buxi
Feb 14, 20241 min read
How to brainstorm better in 5 easy steps
Do you have trouble coming up with ideas? Idea creation, or brainstorming, is a mind-body process. A stressed mind or fatigued body...

Arjun Buxi
Feb 8, 20241 min read
How to plan for time in a quick speech
Need to give a brief three-minute speech but not sure how to plan it out? No problem! Break it down into the main parts — introduction,...

Arjun Buxi
Dec 6, 20232 min read
Each step has to be taken with the big picture in mind.
Have you ever reached a point where you were able to look back and see a series of steps that lead you to your present position? There's...

Arjun Buxi
Oct 18, 20232 min read
Why is your best talent leaving the team?
Why are you losing your best team members at work? Chances are it’s a combination of hours, flexibility, compensation as well as personal...

Arjun Buxi
Sep 21, 20231 min read
Collaboration is messy. Until it isn't.
The best projects are messy in the middle till it all comes together in the end. Keep patience and you never know how it might work out....

Arjun Buxi
Aug 17, 20233 min read
Change is the Law of Life - How we can better adapt to the unknown
#change#leadership#vision I was just thinking the other day how it's so cliched, and yet, change is the only constant in life and work....

Arjun Buxi
Jun 16, 20231 min read
How many direct reports should you have?
How many direct reports should you have? It’s essential to find the balance, to optimize your direct reporting team size and also be more...

Arjun Buxi
Sep 16, 20222 min read
The Case Against Quiet Quitting
People are misaligned with the economy. Let me explain — just last month, in August 2022, a top searched term was “Quiet Quitting”. I...

Arjun Buxi
Aug 31, 20222 min read
Strategy as a marathon, not a sprint
Every leader latches on to "strategy" as a buzzword, very few really sit and think through it as a way of working, and even thinking....

Arjun Buxi
Aug 23, 20222 min read
Finding the Path Forward
If the first step in a long journey is the hardest, the next hardest is the step, or steps, we take when times are hard. In a year of...

Arjun Buxi
Aug 16, 20221 min read
How do you see yourself as a leader?
How do you see yourself as a leader? Some leaders tell others what to do. Others do all the work themselves ("If you want it done...